Filtering a table using daterange

Hi guys, I have a shipment table with a shipment (DateTime) column. I am trying to create a filter where the delivery team can filter the date from a date range. I have been battling this for a while now. I found this solution on the forum for a somewhat similar problem, but it does not solve the one I am facing.

Here is the query

Any advice?

I have done something like this using QUERY JSON with SQL as a resource type
select * from (yourdatatobefiltered) where ((value_date >= {{ valueDateRangeFilter.value.start}} and value_date <= {{ valueDateRangeFilter.value.end}}) OR ({{valueDateRangeFilter.value.start == ''}} AND {{valueDateRangeFilter.value.end == ''}}))

and there is also
a tip here: [how-to] Write a query that filters data using a date range component