File Dropzone + Email Query Error - "Use File Picker to upload a file and ensure file is uploaded before query is fired."

I have a form with a File Dropzone control in it. When the user clicks submit on the form, it triggers an email query that is supposed to attach the file from the File Dropzone control and email it. However, the email query fails with the error, "Use File Picker to upload a file and ensure file is uploaded before query is fired.".

I don't see any properties or event handler events on the File Dropzone contol that tell me when it's done uploading the file. I have {{fileDropzone1.value}} for the email "Attachments" field and that does contain an array with the file binary. Please advise. Thank you.

I'm having the same issue currently, did you ever get it figured out?

Unfortunately, no. I've been working with their support since I posted this. They're still working on a fix.

Well that's unfortunate, we are currently trying to do pretty much the same thing unsuccessfully. Seems like SMTP isn't a fan of attachments

Hi @stevenhdsdoor! we shipped a new feature for attachments. You now have the option to choose your file button from a dropdown, the logic is then handed for you

This Attachments feature, there is a FX mode which allows inputs, the example given was:
[{ data: base64, name: "File name", contentType: 'text/plain' }], this didn't work.

It still comes back with the following message:

  • message:"Use File Picker to upload a file and ensure file is uploaded before query is fired."

I am trying to attach an file downloaded from remote server as base64 strings and attach to an email and send from smtp.

Hi @JackieLiu Thank you for sharing this. I've reported this issue to engineering and will follow up here with any updates

This bug should be resolved! Let us know if you run into further issues