I'm trying to use the GUI to update or insert a row if it doesn't exists, however, it fails to insert because the primary key is not provide. The primary key of the table is and integer with default value nextval('locations_id_seq'::regclass), so it automatically increases +1
Everything works fine with the "Insert a record", but it fails with "Update or insert if it doesn't" because the INSERT statements is trying to populate the ID, but it shoudn't
You should be able to remove ID from your key value pairs - if a record already exists, the filter will find it and cause it to be updated, you'll never have to specify it in your changeset because you're never actually changing it. See if that work?
@MikeCB I don't have it on the key value pairs, only in the filter. The INSERT assumes you also want to add a value for the field in the filter. I fixed it by simply filtering by another property instead of the ID