Elasticsearch 'connection string', anybody?

Hello RTC, First timer noobing up your scene here, I need to connect to an Elasticsearch
deployment for Retool, I have no idea what the 'connection string' would be for an ES deployment, anybody here got that t shirt? Thank you very much for any info!

I saw in the docs it says:
Retool requires a connection string of the following format:


But when I put in all that (from the Elasticsearch dashboard info), on Retool's "test connection" it always says "Error - no living connection"

Hi there :wave:

Happy to help you out here. To confirm you're using the following to build your connection string:

  • username: this is your dedicated username (Elastic also provides two default users, elastic and enterprise_search)
  • password: this is the password for your dedicated user (your admin should have a credentials-12345-date.csv if you intend to use elastic as your user)
  • host: can be found at: https://cloud.elastic.co/deployments/{{your_deployment_id}}/security

Please also make sure you have at least read privileges as well as cluster monitoring privileges!

A post was split to a new topic: Elasticsearch integration with Retool