Dynamic Table Displays All Columns

I am trying to display data dynamically using the dynamic setting on the table. The data is displaying data by date range depending on the to date and from date parameters in drop down. When I select from date as '2024-11-01' and the to date as '2025-01-01', for example, I expect the table to display data and columns for November, December and January.

If I change the filters to from date 2024-12-01 to date 2025-01-01, I expect the column for November to not show. The table should now dynamically show December and January columns.

However, this is not what is happening. The data is dynamic but the column headers still show for November.

Why is this happening? Other than checking the checkbox for the 'use dynamic column setting', is there something else I need to do to make the column headers dynamic along with the data?
