Dynamic input from users

Hi @Aida_Perez,

welcome to the forum!

Another solution to what @Almopt suggested is using a listView. The steps are a little bit more complex, especially if you're not familiar with them. Let me try and break it down for you. I have attached also a json app which you can import so you can use as reference and see how does it work.
List view example for dynamic text inputs.json (10.5 KB)

  1. Create a variable, let's say it is called options. In the default value you can add [{"option":null}]
  2. Use that variable as data source for your list view
  3. Add + and - icons that will update your variable adding/removing arrays so you can have an additional text input.

You can then refer to your listView insanceValues properties to pass it to your queries and update databases:


Hope this helps!