Date Times in Tables Not Staying Set

I'm starting to feel a bit like Sisyphus: no matter how many times I attempt to update my retool tables to show a specific column as "Date Time" with "Manage Timezones" toggled on, I'll inevitably get a user at my company who tells me that "all the times are 5 hours off". Sure enough, the columns have reverted back showing the values as UTC instead of local times.

Is there something I'm doing wrong? I can't seem to get these columns to show the correct values. This seems to be a recent problem, only have been having issues with it for maybe 24-48 hours now.

Issue in action: Retool Toggle Timezone - YouTube

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Hey @javierr!

Happy to help here! It looks like our engineers actually shipped an update to the tables column types recently and this DateTime has been split into local and original timezone. If you change your table to one of these does this error persist?

Hey Chris, thanks for the quick response. Is there any way to replace components without having to delete them and readding them? Concerned about all the dependencies that will break if I do it this way.


Are you looking to upgrade from V1 components? If so, most of the new components can be updated from the "..." menu in the top left of your app.

Also, many similar V2 components can be swapped out for similar components in the inspector:

What components are you looking to replace here?\

I actually experience the same issue with just the "date" column type. I have tried to update the format the dates are displayed, but it isn't keeping this information.

I believe by default, this date column type tries to do its own formatting if its set to be the column type. Can you try the "Text:single line" type to see if that displays correctly?