Currency Text Field

I want to create a currency text field which has auto decimal formatter. It would look like this GitHub - unicef/material-ui-currency-textfield: Currency textfield for React Material UI how do I make that in Retool? the material-ui-currency-textfield is not available in cdnjs so I don't know how to include it in my custom component

Hello @Frieda and welcome to the community! Our TextInput component has a currency type - what’s missing there?

Hi @justin, thanks for responding. I’m her coworker and I’m currently facing the same issue. We basically need to show thousand and decimal separators as the user types. I’m aware that I can just set the type to number and turn on the show commas feature. Unfortunately, in the country we’re in, thousands are separated by dots “.” and decimals are separed by “,”, which is the opposite of that the show commas does.

Any ideas on how to solve this? Any suggestion is appreciated!