Converting UTC Date to MM/DD/YYYY In query

I am trying to create a chart with the x-axis representative of single days, but as it currently stands, the axis is representative of UTC time. This is the current function I have for 'x-axis values': {{formatDataAsObject(}}

I am wondering what changes I can make, either within the query or in the 'x-axis values' field to convert createdAt from UTC time to the form MM/DD/YYYY.

Note: query2 below
query MyQuery {
listOrders {
items {

Hi @MattyRob2, welcome :wave:
You can use momentJS:

{{ moment(formatDataAsObject('MM/DD/YYYY') }} //if createdAt is a single value

{{ formatDataAsObject( => moment(row).format('MM/DD/YYYY') }} //if createdAt is a Array<datetime>