Clarify Plan features and if pricing per-user excludes disabled inactive users?

  1. Please update and the per-org page /settings/billing/ to show identical, or more similar, features listed per-plan?
    For example, if I only looked at /settings/billing then I wouldn’t pay because it omits the “Staging + production mode” feature listed on the Pricing page.
  2. Indicate the amount going to be charged for a plan before confirming switch to it?
    Given I have changed one of my 3 users to disabled, before the trial period ended and I started paying for Plus plan then I expect that will be charged $20 USD. Also the current info indicates if at the start of next month I disable my 2nd user and re-enable 3rd user then I will still be charged $20 USD.


  • Change user Enable/Disable toggle to be labelled “Active” because services or features are enable/disable v.s. users are active or in-active, especially if Retool adds a feature to automatically change a user to an inactive state after a number of days of inactivity.
  • Show currency on both Pricing and /settings/billing pages with explanation of when the monthly charge occurs. A footnote “Prices are USD, billed monthly through Stripe payment provider.”

thank you so much for the feedback @sebastian-voyantar!

will definitely update /settings/billing

and I think we can add some tooltips / a payments FAQ page showing the additional details you suggested (currency, when the charges are each month, and how our proration works)

I believe this is still not visible in /settings/billing

Still waiting for this to be added. I’ve added my Payment details but no way to see/select a plan