Calling api resource crashing app / browser

Our browser window is crashing when we manually run an API resource query in the editor. We have tested various apps, and ever created a blank app with just a GET API Request, and it crashed. And we have tested Safari and Chrome browsers.

Is this a known issue?

Interesting, facing the same issue at the moment with an API call I'm trying to make.

An API resource that used to work, is now also crashing my browser page (both Chrome and Edge).

Any API call I try to run in the editor is causing the browser to become unresponsive...


This isn't a known issue at the moment - would you be able to share screenshots of your query and the error message you are getting afterward? Would it be alright if I hopped into your account and took a closer look?

Thank you for your prompt reply.
No problem to jump in my account.

Sure, happy for you to jump onto my account. There is no error thrown, just an unresponsive browser. Happening to all my API calls.

I have a created a test app titled "TEST API", with no components. just a query doing a GET API call to, and it crashes the browser.

Thank you both! Our engineering team is actively investigating and we'll provide an update as soon as we have one!

We pushed an update for this a little while ago, and are hopeful that this problem is resolved. Are you able to give it a test and let us know?

@Ben, just tested this and its resolved for me.

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@ben Works for me as well, thank you! :+1:

Thank you! Let us know if you run into any other issues!