Bug with gridView auto height using widgetGrid

Hi guys!
When using widgetGrid I have a bug with gridView component auto height — Screenshot uploaded to CleanShot Cloud

It disappears if the widget is off.

Is it expected?

Hello @Oleksandr_Dovgopol!

Sorry to hear you encountered this bug! We are still in the early roll out phase for widgetGrid so unfortunately we have been encountering bugs and sending the reports over to triage with our engineering team.

Thank you for finding this! We definitely want to fix this and recommend having widget grid off for now if this bug is blocking for you and your app.

I was trying to reproduce this bug but was not able to. Could you share your container's settings in the inspect tab?

Hi Jack! Thank you for your reply.
I can't reproduce this behavior now either. And I don't what changed. In any case I will notify you if I can catch that case.

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