Hi @Gabriel_Aracena,
I agree with Bradly that this is not well supported
We are starting to look at how we can update the table to make bulk editing faster & easier, so we may have some features coming soon that will help with your use case.
In the meantime, I created a potential solution that seems to work pretty well. I will caution that I have not tested this very much and it's not necessarily the intended way of using the table component. If you decide to try out something similar, I'd recommend doing some testing to make sure the records are getting updated accurately. You'd also likely want to do some custom css to hide the save changes button. More info on custom css here: http://community.retool.com/t/how-to-write-custom-css-in-retool/2165
The idea is that you trigger a single record update query on cell change. You can restrict the query to only run if there are any values in .recordUpdates
. I'm attaching a recording where it seems to be working well -- I am typing in a new name & clicking enter on my keyboard to save.