Hello builders! It’s time for the great unveiling of the badges you’re working toward this month! See the badge images below
Also, check out a mid-month progress update for each "event" below to see who’s already earned some of these badges and who’s very close to doing so!
- (I can’t promise to be as compelling a commentator as Snoop Dogg or Laurie Hernandez or Julie Foudy or Michael Phelps, but I’ll give it a shot! ) In summary, y'all are doing:
A quick shout out before we dive into the specific events. Consider this an “up and coming community athlete to watch” in our mini Olympics challenge here:
- Everyone please give a round of applause to @jamesg31 who is already topping the chart as a Perseverant Solver, and is in second place in the Helping Hand event right now! @jamesg31 you’ve been really ramping up your interactions with fellow builders here in the community in recent weeks, and we see and appreciate you! Thank you for helping get momentum toward solutions alongside community members, and for sharing your feature request interest and detailed bug descriptions. Your contributions to collective Retool expertise in this community -- as well as your input on ways to improve the product itself -- mean a lot to all of us! Keep it up, can't wait to see what you'll do next!
A glimpse of another up-and-coming athlete in the middle of a "challenge" on the path to 4 golds this month (!):
Helping Hands:
We have @miguelOrtiz in first place, @jamesg31 in second place, and @stewart.Anstey in third place so far!
Kudos to @ddsgadget @thomas_k_x @pod2 @zeroCodez @amirsaifolo @siguy85 @jg80 @perelin for replying to 1 topic tagged ‘welcoming-replies’ each so far!
Thanks to all of you for your focus on chiming in to build momentum on topics that are still welcoming replies You are helping community members make connections and get traction on their topics! Keep it up.
The Helping Hand gold, silver and bronze badges:
Perseverant Solvers:
So far, we have @jamesg31 in first place, @miguelortiz in second place, and @jg80 @dominik_Poignee @rodrigo_Carrizo @M_0 tied for 3rd place with 1 solved each!
As a reminder, the Perseverant Solver award recognizes folks who jumped in and reached a Solution on topics that initially went un-responded to for 5 days (welcoming replies), but we persevered and finally arrived at a solution!
The Perseverant Solvers gold, silver, and bronze badges:
Fast Responders
So far: @jg80 @MiguelOrtiz @ZeroCodez @Milan_Kalem @MikeCB have already reached the threshold of 5 topics responded to within 2 days of creation! Thank you all, and keep it up!
As you can see below, @pyrrho @bobthebear @jamesg31 @abusedmedia @Steven_W @erispoe @stefancvrkotic @TobiasOhlsson @trz-justin-dev are all very close to the threshold of 5 topics replied to within 2 days of topic creation!
This badge is a continuation of an existing badge we introduced in June for our Pool Party themed challenge You can earn it twice if you already received it in June!
Creative Expression
So far, we've had one Community Show & Tell post created by @khill-fbmc since July 30th. Cool custom CSS solution to make copy buttons more pronounced!
The playing field is wide open for these 3 badges Let's see your creative Retool implementations. Have you solved a problem for your teammates or customers with Retool recently? Show it off by creating a topic in the Community Show & Tell category of the forum, and let the community shower you with emoji reactions and praise Here's what you're playing for:
Creative Expression gold, silver, and bronze badges:
Keep it up, team! We'll be spectating (and collaborating) throughout the month - can't wait to see what we all accomplish.