@ming linkedPagePaths is part of the response from lookupPageByUUid
@ming Hey Ming I found a difference in the build logs of our instances which indicates an environment variable (or similar) may be causing our problem:
[2024-08-11T23:09:01.335Z] Mapping UUIDs disabled: unmapped_elements_exist
[2024-08-09T07:18:27.453Z] Mapping UUIDs enabled: mapped_uuids_present
Do you know where I can update this so uat is the same as prod? We can't find this in environment variables.
ps. I'm thinking it's possible that this isn't due to the multi-page app, so let me know if I should break this into a separate thread.
Hey @BenCook,
I noticed since you have a shared Slack channel with us. I'm going to move this thread there -- I circled back with the team and have couple ideas that could help with debugging!
Hey @BenCook -- wanted to update you that we implemented current page information, which you can find here: Multipage Changelog - #7 by Darya_Verzhbinsky.