Ability to pass paramters into query or to run inline JavaScript on input field edit?

Hey there,

So, I would like to add some information to the temporary state store whenever On edit is triggered from an input field. The information I want to pass in changes based on the field so currently it seems the only way to do this would be to have a separate JS code snippet to fire on edit for each individual input field that is edited. This would take a lot of queries and be pretty monotonous. A more ideal way would be to either pass parameters into the js query triggered on edit or to just be able to run inline JavaScript in the on edit instead of having to select a query. Are either of these things already possible and I am missing something? Or is there another way to accomplish what I am trying to do here without having to write a bunch of individualized JS snippets?


Hi @dmull! Would these docs be helpful at all? triggeredById sounds maybe relevant here! Let me know 😊

The new event handlers addition actually completely streamlines what I had to do here!
Thanks for that feature, really great idea!

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