Ability to have developer side panels display in a new window

It would be nice if I could have the tools to develop the page be in a separate window from where the page is displaying, so I could view both at the same time without having the page get all squished by the side panels.
Similar to how when you do “Inspect Element” in a browser and by default the panel slides out from the right, but you can get that panel to display in a separate window.


I think that’s a great suggestion. I’ve added it to our feature request list.

In the meanwhile, here are some things I do when working on apps when I have limited room on screen:

  1. I keep the sidebars and query editor closed when I don’t need them
  2. I prefer editing queries in the Query Library, that way, editing queries is mostly in another window - this has the added benefit of making your queries automatically share-able.

We actually shrink the canvas slightly when you open side-bars so we can fit everything on screen, so even in small spaces, you should be able to see everything.

Finally, we’re facelifting the app so, things should fit much nicer.