Hey @shawntax
Here's the code that ended up working for me - thank you for your suggestion!
for (let i = 0; i < imageInput1.files.length; i++) {
const file = imageInput1.files[i];
delete file.uri;
const newFileName = getCountOfExistingDocs.data[0].count+'-'+poDocType.value+'-'+i+'.png';
const base64 = await utils.getDataByObjectURL(imageInput1.value[i]);
const imageData = {
data: base64.slice(base64.indexOf(',') + 1),
name: newFileName,
size: file.size,
height: file.height,
width: file.width
additionalScope: {
i: i,
imageData: imageData,
imageName: newFileName
As far as I can tell, supabase reads the name because whenever I upload a file without a file type (like 'test.png' vs just 'test', it always shows the type when retrieved as application/octet-stream. (Maybe there's another way to set the file type but this is what was working for me) Anyway - this seems to be fixed and I appreciate all your help!