How to display Google sheet row data against perticualr value in column

I am trying yo create an order ID tracker for my customers. All these customers have Order ID and have certain updated in rows.

How can I get these values against each order?
I have created an UI to show the value here
[Retool](https://TOOL UI)

I am not abel to get data agains each value from google sheet. Any help, Idea and hits to get start will be great.


Thanks for reaching out! The url is not accessible to me; are you able to share some screenshots instead?

If you're trying to query data from two different data sources (i.e. database and google sheets), you might find the Query JSON with SQL query type helpful

Hey Tess

I have made the link public

Plse help in this

Hi @Ashirwad_Rastogi

The link has a blank app for me :thinking:

It might be more helpful to see some screenshots of what you're working on if you're able to share!

Are the customers providing an order ID in the app? Are you then filtering a full dataset for the specific order ID? A Javascript transformer might help!