How to add data from an API object to a table, using transformer or anything else

Hi @Devarsh_Sheth,

Retool does not have a native way to do this.

Here are ways you can achieve

  1. Re-run the query that generates the table after the edited data has been sent via API
  2. Another way to do this is to save the query data to a temporary state and then load the values from the temporary state to the table. Doing it this way, you can access the data and use some JS logic to remove/filter out the edited data.
  3. The third way is to use the setFilters Method in conjunction with a temporary state variable to hide these values.\

These articles would be helpful to you when doing this

Table Filter tooltip and operators table

Using setIn() to change a temp state variable

Add values to temporary state array

Here is a video and app of how I Implemented mine